Daisy, a young woman, lives at home balancing taking care of her ill and hyper-religious mom, Suzanne, and hiding a “sinful” life from being known. While working at a local video store, Daisy finds a best friend and secret crush, Meg. After an attempt to make a move on her goes horribly wrong, Daisy becomes obsessed and infatuated with Heather Brown, a VHS aerobics instructor, and begins compulsively masturbating to her tapes every night. As their connection gets stronger, Heather begins talking to Daisy through the TV, showcasing some unknown demonic quirks. Once Suzanne discovers Daisy’s “sinful” secret, she smashes the Heather tape, prompting Daisy to bludgeon her mom to near-death. In a desperate attempt, Daisy finds herself returning to the video store to find a new Heather tape which she has to confront Meg to get. With her newfound strength, Daisy returns home and reunites with Heather.
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